marketing strategy workshop

Marketing strategy day

Are you looking to develop a digital marketing plan for your business? Would a guided session from a digital marketing specialist help steer your strategy and reach your goals? Often a fresh perspective and new ideas are just the solution and our marketing strategy day provides just that.

Request a strategy day
They ask, you answer workshop


Conducted at your place of business, our digital marketing strategist guides key stakeholders through a development framework designed to uncover actionable tactics for achieving your goals.

Using your business data and industry knowledge we work together to align your sales and marketing activities with the business's growth goals and vision.

The end outcome is a better understanding of your customer and a plan for the next 3-6 months on how you're going to attract more of those prospects, and turn them into customers.

marketing strategy session

Top three benefits


Team alignment

The marketing strategy day isn't just about marketing. It's about focusing key business divisions back on the customer. This day brings sales and marketing to the same table to work together in creating a strategy for success.

Sales will receive more tools to win over new business and wow existing customers, while marketing will understand the messages the right prospects need to be hearing.


Actionable plan

The outcome of the marketing strategy day is a plan that the marketing team can execute the very next day. We provide the tools and insights to focus efforts on specific activities that have the best chance of success.

We'll work to set business KPIs and goals based on benchmarks or industry indicators. We'll help tailor the plan to what's realistic for your business and prioritise your output to target the big wins.


Proven framework

Our marketing strategy day sessions lean on some of the most well-known and proven models for action. We won't just go over the theory, we'll show you how to get the best results possible.

From discovering content that resonates with your audience to mapping their buying journey and identifying their pain points, we'll walk you through the process of creating a plan that works.

Strategic marketing

Session structure

The day itself goes through several different frameworks and sections each designed to be built upon as the day progresses. This means the session covers several core areas, including:

  • Buyer persona identification
  • Prospect pain points and challenges
  • Business targets and benchmarks
  • Content mapping
  • Search engine volume and difficulty

Key outcomes

By the end of the session you will have at least:

  • 3 completed buyer personas
  • Marketing KPIs and benchmarks for success
  • 3-6 month marketing plan outline
  • Top keywords for marketing to focus on
  • Website optimisation ideas
  • New marketing initiatives to attract leads
  • Sales asset plans and a customer journey map
Marketing planning

Ready to chat?

Marketing strategy days are a significant time investment, but they fuel the next phase of business growth. We'll problem-solve challenges and foster an environment for ideas to flourish. If that sounds like the sort of thing you're after then book a no-obligation chat.

Book a call

Frequently asked questions

Where does the marketing strategy day happen?

We prefer to do these at your place of business. Not only does this prove logistically easier for you but it enables our marketing strategist to understand the culture and environment where this plan will be expected to flourish.

How much does it cost?

The marketing strategy day can cost as little as NZD$6,000 +GST for the day but can also increase depending on team size and travel expenses. Please contact us for more detailed pricing.

Does it fall under the NZTE CDV scheme?

Our marketing strategy day isn't currently registered under this scheme. Due to changes in the NZTE software and requirements, it was removed.

Is this only available in New Zealand?

The marketing strategy day has been delivered as far afield as Singapore. The only thing to consider with overseas delivery of this session is the travel cost that might be involved.