
Google Shopping - How it can benefit your business?

If you are the owner of an ecommerce site, chances are that you have already had to grapple with Google and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to make sure to lead a steady stream of customers to your site to eventually buy your products. However simple as this sounds, we all know how difficult it can be and that a simple visit or click on your website is not the same as customers buying from you.

Google Shopping Ad Placements

The secret of successfully creating a steady revenue flow is to actually be present whenever a customer has the intention to buy a certain product through Google. Luckily Google has implemented a shopping system, namely Google Shopping, within its search engine to allow businesses to have their products showcased and a click through rate that may result in higher revenues.

It's easy to see why a placement within Google Shopping can be beneficial for your business, customers that are shopping online tend to ask Google first. Unlike a retail shop customers may stroll through in the real world, you usually already have a product or product category in mind when you go online to search for it. People searching for specific products through Google and Google Shopping have already made the decision to buy, all they are searching for at that point are the right seller and online shops to seal the deal, which make the customers directed to you through Google more valuable. 

You may have seen that, when searching for specific products or categories, Google will actively provide you with suggestions where to buy those products from. It will display a picture, the price and a link to your website, so the customer can complete their online shopping endeavours directly with you. The best thing is that you will have full control through metrics provided by Google to see how well your product placement fares at all times. 

Google Shopping is great for bottom of the funnel users

To be featured by Google, you need to create a Google Ads and Merchant Centre account to feed your products into the system and publish them through Google Shopping. Depending on the e-commerce system you use, you might even be able to import certain things straight from your ecommerce platform, simplifying the process even further. The most important part of creating those products with Google Shopping is to keep them up to date and to make sure that the actual product description and the featured image leave nothing to be desired.

Once published, Google will show your products relevant to the search queries of the user, making it a very precise marketing tool. As with other advertising as well, Google will charge you for those ads, but only then, when customers click on them to get to your website to potentially buy the product you're offering, making the return on investment compared to other ad-services very profitable.

All in all, Google Shopping will give you great product placement, precisely where you need it to gain paying customers for your ecommerce site. The process of creating those ads is relatively simple and the costs are comparably low to the results you're getting through placement. If you're on your heels and make your product pictures and descriptions as good as the placement and keep your prices competitive, Google Shopping has the potential to really boost your online shopping business to new levels.

Discover how we can help get more from your Google advertising here.

 Click here to find out how Buyer Persona's can help you with Google Shopping

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